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Day by Day

That’s how I’m living over here, sweet friends! Day by day, one step at a time. December 2023 was surprisingly manageable, and January 2024 has been surprisingly do-able. I’m so very thankful. 🥰️ Sooo what has happened since my last post?

The best news is no news! It’s true! When Andrew and I saw my oncologist this week, we had no pressing questions. This month’s infusion didn’t accompany test results or scan reports. It was just a run of the mill day! And each nurse, receptionist, etc we met responded with, “…and isn’t that a great place to be?” It sure is. My only complaint this week is that I have contracted my first cold in years. 😂 Hopefully it passes quickly!

God has worked so much in my life one day at a time, one baby step at a time, one season at a time. I feel more settled than I used to, just less worried about daily tasks, future questions, or even far-flung dreams that may or may not fall into place. I posted a little about this online, but I really did leave 2023 in a great place. What a gift! The more I sat with it, the more memories bubbled to the surface. Just to name a few:

  • My hair grew so much, and I quit wearing hats!

  • Joining such a sweet small group for Lent. I loved it so much.

  • Mommy and I’s trip to visit Sarah in New York!

  • A spa day with other MBC Thrivers, and meeting some amazing ladies.

  • Finally tackling long-dreaded milestones: Resigning from my teaching job, losing benefits, and leaning 100% on God to provide what I needed. (He sure did!)

  • Starting a new part-time job, and venturing back into education in a way I never thought possible.

  • Finally getting a new type of therapy, after pursuing it for months.

  • Writing my first book proposal and speaking with an agent!

  • Starting a podcast! (WHAT?!)

  • Some great scans and delightfully uneventful doctor’s appointments.

  • Time to thank God for all of it!

2023 was the year of answered prayers! Especially considering how it started- I came into it with so much fear, anxiety, and heartbreak. New fears replaced the old ones. New challenges surfaced every time I crossed another off my list…but it got better. I think it really turned a page in my journey. For the first time, I asked God for more “normal people” needs than life-saving-cancer-healing needs, AND was able to see His fingerprints all over it. Redeeming broken things, healing relationships, restoring hope. (and I didn’t post much about all that because it actually involved other people. Such is the struggle of blogging about your life!) Some shifts were practical, easily seen in the paperwork of my life. But even more so, the subtle shifts in my heart and how I seek Him will stay with me forever. I learned to take life one step at a time, and enjoy God in the waiting. What a gift! I almost wonder if that was really me. 🥴️ 😂 On days when I’m spiraling down familiar avenues of anxiety, that joy and peace feels so far away. But here’s the gift: I wrote it down! I know it happened. And if it happened then, I trust that it’s accessible again, that God really will find me, and help me through whatever new crisis befalls me.

I cannot imagine where God will take me in 2024. I pray for time well spent, serving God and my spirit. I pray to lean on Him more than I fear my circumstances. I pray I can just be with Him, to savor sweet moments, and worry less, knowing that getting lost in my anxiety pulls me further from Him, and I just miss out on all the joy He’s given me. (Who wants that??) I’m so thankful for discernment and faith. I’m thankful for such a beautiful life full of love, hope, purpose, dreams, laughter, hot tea, and so much more!

I never claim to know it all, but dare I say that 2023 taught me how to live?? More accurately, I suppose, the Holy Spirit was hard at work for another 365 days, doing way more than I thought possible with the broken pieces He had to work with. 😂 (AKA this ol’ girl)

So that’s how we’ll take 2024, sweet friends! Day by day. Thanks for coming along for the ride! ♥️