Care Package Ideas

We all show our love in different ways. No matter how you show it, the message is often the same for someone that has been diagnosed with cancer. “I love you. I am thinking of you. I want to make your life easier however I can.” We know that physical gifts cannot cure cancer or pull our loved ones out of a horrendous situation, but presents sure do make them smile! If you need some inspiration or ideas, maybe this will help.

Here are some of the gracious gifts (and helpful tips!) my husband and I have received during our cancer journey. I learned all of this from the beautiful community that has loved us so well! I’d love to pass that to you.

Food, Food, Food!

From chemo days to surgery recovery to just normal life, food is always a welcome gift! We have been blessed by food in many forms. Ideas for you:

  • Ask about dietary restrictions/preferences first.

  • Made with Love: Offer to drop something homemade on the front porch. Wrap in recyclable containers to make life easier for your loved one!

  • Semi-Homemade: Grab hot meals from the prepared food section of the grocery store. Rotisserie chicken, boxed green salad, rolls, etc.

  • Take-Out Delivery: Send favorite meals from a local restaurant to their address via apps like DoorDash or Grubhub. (or send them credits through the app they can use another day of their choice!)

  • Groceries: Drop a greeting card in the mail with a grocery store gift card. You can also drop a small bag of staples like bread, produce, or ginger ale.

Useful Snacks: Different treatments may alter your loved one’s appetite. Good ideas for warm snacks are individual mac’n’cheese cups, mashed potatoes, etc. Lighter snacks like applesauce, crackers, or popsicles are also helpful!

Symptom Squad

It’s important to know that every cancer patient will experience their treatment differently. Side effects, symptoms, and needs will be unique for each person. Stay in touch with your loved one to know what they may need, but here are a few items that I have found really helpful. I keep these in stock just in case:

Everyday Needs: Gentle toothbrushes, hand sanitizer, tissues

I am not fancy enough to understand affiliate links, so I am not receiving anything from these brands. I just like these the best! It’s also important to note that I usually end up with a prescription when any of these symptoms explode, but these items keep them in check. I’m so thankful to have these at home!

Smiles and Treats

Cancer treatment is a great opportunity to shower someone with all their favorite things! Think of activities they can enjoy at home. Some of my favorite gifts have been “just because” surprises that gave me something to do!

  • Movie Night: Redbox coupon code and microwave popcorn

  • Game Night: Puzzles or board games with pretzel sticks

  • Art Supplies: Paint-by-Number kits, coloring books, pretty pens

  • Cozy Items: New books, fuzzy blankets or socks, coffee mug

  • Bouquets: From flowers to edible arrangements, they make me smile!

  • Group Effort: Collect sweet cards from a team, class, or other group in your loved one’s life. Keeping in touch is a mood-booster!

Perhaps the most appreciated gift you could give is your time!

Don’t forget to check on your loved one’s caregivers! Offer to relieve some duties like house chores, rides to appointments, or caring for children or pets. Most of all, remember that caregivers carry a heavy emotional load. They need prayers, lunch dates, and encouraging words just like anyone else. They matter!


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